YouTube is no place to be... they banned me by saying "perceived violation of either the Google Terms of Service "... Control freaks... ANYONE can download music, off of downloading sites like mediafire and pcloud, or an app/software like soulseek... Music off the 'net should be FREE. Like Radiohead made a wise decision... they made a "pay your own price" on Bandcamp, which allows you to either download for free or pay whatever amount you'd like... I made a YouTube channel called "Goldilocks Zone Music"... they banned the channel. :( My gf will help me out, she's a STRONG-WILLED person. I'm sure she'll figure it out, she's a smart cookie. I know you guys will do this anyway (keeping the YouTube website... one of the front pages of the internet!! Along with Google, Dreaddit Reddit, Twit ter , FaceShit FaceBook... the latter keeps banning me, after Google, not into freedom of speech at all...)... I mean, "Vimeo" does...