YouTube is no dice... [NEVERMIND!! They unblocked my account!! --- DREAMS COME TRUE!!!] [Pt3: NEVERMINDx2]


YouTube is no place to be... they banned me by saying "perceived violation of either the Google Terms of Service "...

Control freaks... ANYONE can download music, off of downloading sites like mediafire and pcloud, or an app/software like soulseek... Music off the 'net should be FREE.  Like Radiohead made a wise decision... they made a "pay your own price" on Bandcamp, which allows you to either download for free or pay whatever amount you'd like...

I made a YouTube channel called "Goldilocks Zone Music"... they banned the channel. :(

My gf will help me out, she's a STRONG-WILLED person.  I'm sure she'll figure it out, she's a smart cookie.

I know you guys will do this anyway (keeping the YouTube website... one of the front pages of the internet!!  Along with Google, Dreaddit Reddit, TwitterFaceShit FaceBook... the latter keeps banning me, after Google, not into freedom of speech at all...)... I mean, "Vimeo" doesn't have too much... "BitTube"... :(

Oh well, this is depressing...

Maybe I'll try using Bitchute... Just after my girlfriend gets back from work... Maybe she'll figure it out... 

I had a dream about my computer, it worked out fine, during the dream... WHOOPS!!  I walked up to my computer after waking up, and it is banned... no bueno.  Hope dreams come true!!

Edit: YOUTUBE IS WORKING AGAIN Check out the channel!!:

I had a dream that it was unblocked... then I woke up, crawled into my bed, and... it was still blocked.  Then I took a nap a bit later, just when Ia girlfriend came in and someone on Discord told me that it's up and running, then I checked my phone and THERE IT IS!!  I checked my computer to double-check and THERE IT IS ONCE AGAIN!! Awesome-sauce.  I danced around feeling so HAPPY!!  Yea!!  I didn't break any rules... my best guess is an algorithm took place, probably blocked people automatically for "copyright strikes" and I went "poowee"... I considered using BtChute but then, I felt in my gut "I should wait a while"... AND THEN. IT. HAPPENED!!  Pheeeeewwwwweeeee *wipes sweat off my face*.  Someone must have checked it in-person and s/he must've given it a THUMBS UP!!  How sweet is that?  So I'm heading back to my activities... Be well!!

EDIT 2: They removed my video post from my other channel.  For what??  For making a very slight mention about vax.

I mean, it causes bad illnesses.  

Like me, for instance - MONO and chronic fatigue there on after (still today - it's been 18 years since then, still battling today).  

It causes SO MANY illnesses around the planet... 

Instead, let us boost our immune system!!  Like Wim Hof breathing (the origin is actually Tibetan Tummo, an ancient practice that helped us live through the Ice Age, shhhhh).

And on reddit, they banned my ENTIRE ACCOUNT for giving this suggestion (Wim Hof and cold showers) on r/chronicfatigue.  

Why?  TRUST THE GOVERNMENT *eyerolls*  

For giving FREE WAYS to boost our immune system!?  

I realize that now, hindsight 20/20.

Government agents must've de-railing the comment section.  "He's a poser", "he's a scammer".  Umm... he runs on the snowy mountains in SHORTS.  He wins WORLD RECORDS bathing in ice tanks for 2+ hours.  Amazing guy.

This is... the vax... to make sure people are ill.  They invented the COVID-19 vax BEFORE it happened... all planned ahead of time. *shrugs*

How will we make the world more paradisiacal? 

The start: Wim Hof breathing.  Let go of the d̶o̶c̶t̶o̶r̶s̶ demons.  

Find healthy ways to live strong - like gluten free and sugar free food (and no GMO either).  And healthy strategies like in Okinawa - one of the longest living parts of the world.

The doctors want you in any way possible to get you.  Like the chemical pills, the "side effects".  To get pills for that.  And it keeps going on and on.  Like a domino effect.

And, of course - Freedom of Speech.


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